Sunday, September 23, 2007

Long Lost Twin

Today while I was at work I read the New York Post. In there I found a really interesting article that caught my attention. This article was about two twins that were separated at birth. Their mother was psychologically unstable and gave them up for adoption when they were born because she knew she couldn't take care of them. They were put into a Jewish adoption agency that is no longer in business. This adoption agency placed them into different homes for a psychological study. Neither of them knew they were a twin until 2001.
Now I might not have a twin but I do have an older sister and a younger brother, and i can not imagine how i would feel if we were separated at birth for a psychological study. I might not appreciate them as much as I should, and i might complain about them but he fact is they are my siblings. I could never imagine my life without them.
I don't understand how people would think it would be okay to separate children at birth for a study. I don' believe they should be separated under any circumstance, especially one as selfish as a study.

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